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Working With Brett

Relationship Reset

Transform any important relationship in your life by setting yourself free, claiming back your power and releasing whatever is no longer needed. 

Energy Reading

Brett will intuitively read your energy for anything important in your life including relationships, career, home and living situation etc. 

Energetic Clearing 

Release the stored energy and emotions in the unconscious. This can be focused on any theme such as trust, safety, events, career, money, freedom, fear, anxiety, the body and more. 

Master Key

A 7-week one-on-one program with Brett to breakthrough your core issues in life. We go deep, to pull out the strongest patterns and beliefs that are holding you back from the life you desire.

Alpha Alignment

An in-person process to unblock the energy that is stuck within your body and get it flowing naturally again. Feel relaxed, more present and clear. Available only in Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.

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